How Office Ally Practice Mate EHR Makes Your Practice Better

How Practice Mate's billing/clearinghouse functionality helps you improve your productivity is covered in this article. Practice Mate also has billing and clearinghouse functionality and supports third-party files, easing the burden of accessing information. This article covers the main benefits of Kareo EHR and Practice Mate. We'll also touch on its free trials and HIPAA compliance. All in all, what's preventing you from doing the switch?

Kareo dashboard helps improve clinic productivity

In addition to helping clinics stay organized, Kareo's clinical dashboard can also reduce duplicate patient records. The dashboard allows physicians and coworkers to privately message each other, which eliminates the need to make numerous phone calls to keep up with patients' needs. The dashboard also has an agenda overview feature and includes integrated prescription discounts. Integrated prescription discounts can make it easier for patients to fill their prescriptions and improve clinic productivity.

Practice Mate's billing/clearinghouse functionality

Compared to Medisoft, Practice Mate is designed to make the billing process faster and easier, but it falls short in some areas. Its main focus is billing and clearinghouse functionality, and it also offers features like session tracking and rudimentary notes. Patients can also file unlimited electronic claims, which makes it an excellent choice for smaller practices. Practice Mate also integrates well with other software, including Patient Ally and Office Ally.

It's free

The Practicemate EHR is a web-based electronic health record (EHR) that integrates with the Office Ally clearinghouse. This tool enables physicians to create custom, easy-to-read patient statements, submit electronic bills, and convert SOAP notes into a paperless system. Many users like how customizable the EHR is, which gives them the option to create their own templates. Office Ally allows physicians to specify which staff members can see and edit the health records and can easily assign read/write access to certain individuals.

Also, you can request the demo which can be informative or you can get to know office Ally Cost.

It's HIPAA-compliant

HIPAA compliance is critical for any healthcare practice, and not following it can result in hefty fines. Even the smallest breach can damage a practice's reputation. In 2018, HIPAA fines reached $28 million! Not only that, but if you don't secure your electronic health records, you put your practice at risk of a cyberattack. In fact, 92% of businesses experienced at least one data breach within five years.

It's Cloud-based

If you're wondering if Practice Mate Electronic Health Records is a good fit for your practice, look no further. This cloud-based solution integrates with Clearinghouse's EHR system and provides easy-to-read patient statements. It's also capable of detecting and printing denied claims, as well as generating CPT codes and PPT codes automatically. Additionally, it allows physicians to customize their soap notes and set user access limitations. Practice Mate is compatible with most practice management systems and can be set up to work seamlessly with those systems. The cloud-based solution also integrates with third-party software. You can add third-party software or use Excel to import data.